人物・グループ /DJ

DJ Anri - アンリ

DJ Anri - アンリ-1 DJ Anri - アンリ-2 DJ Anri - アンリ-3

HIPHOP,R&B中心に数々のクラブイベントで経験を重ねると同時に、 2003年より約2年間、当時毎週末1000人以上を動員する 西日本最大級のクラブディスコ 『PLATINUM』の専属DJとしても 毎晩のようにプレイする。その経験により、 様々な音楽(POPS、EDM、HOUSE、HIP HOP、R&B、Top40、ダンスクラシック、DISCO、REGGAE…etc ) をALL MIXすることも得意とする。
2005年からMC AMIと共に関西No.1 female DJ party 【JEWEL】を主催。
現在は関西中心に多数のパーティーにヘッドライナーとしてレジデンツ出演していると同時にNY中心に渡米しプレイし続け、また日本全国さらには海外アジア、アメリカなどのクラブイベントへもゲストとして招かれ、 芸能人・有名人のプライベートパーティー、 ファッションショー、カーショー、TVCM、 音源mixCD制作、音源プロデュースなど精力的にDJ活動の場も広げ、ビッグアーティストとも多数共演。
名実共に関西FEMALE DJ界のパイオニア的存在でありTOP FEMALE DJである!!

DJ Anri gained interest in Hip-Hop,R&B music and culture when she was in high school. Her love of the genre inspired her to become a DJ, and she started her DJ carrier around Osaka 2000.

Then immediately she has acquired experience at a number of clubs and event. From 2003-2005 she also played “Platinum” the largest club in West Japan which would host over 1000 people every weekend. This experience that she played as regular DJ at such a big club was further urged honed her skills. She has varued her style, mix all genre music (Top40, HipHop,House,Disco, Bass etc.) along with her specialities of Hip-Hop and R&B.

From 2005, She has been hosting “Jewel”, Kansai’s (Osaka and its surrounding city) No.1 female DJs party with MC AMI. The party gave her the opportunity to find out a number of ways in her future development as a DJ.
Since then she has also been invited as a guest DJ not only int Japan but also oversea countries and has played at numerous private parties for celebrity, in televised commercials and event, car shows and more. And has released mix CD regularly. Also lately she has taught how to DJ to major artist for live performance.

At the same time DJ Anri has played so many parties as regular and resident DJ especially Osaka and Kansai area. When she plays with famous big artist she always has received high evaluation from them. She will continue to build her fame and reputation as a breakthrough female DJ artist.

Now and in future, No doubt that DJ Anri is the No.1 FEMALE DJ in Kansai, as well as being a pioneer of FEMALE DJ in Japan.

DJ Anri - アンリ : 関西・大阪を中心に大活躍中のTop Female DJ★

関西・大阪を中心に大活躍中のTop Female DJ★

DJ Anri - アンリ : MC AMIと共に毎月1000人以上動員する日本No.1パーティーを開催中★

MC AMIと共に毎月1000人以上動員する日本No.1パーティーを開催中★

DJ Anri - アンリ : USはBOSTONにて6000人規模の企業PARTYにてDJを披露★


DJ Anri - アンリ : USはNYにて定期的にDJを行い、本場でも腕を認められる実力の持ち主!


DJ Anri - アンリ : 地元大阪のレジデントPARTYも毎回大勢の人が大集合する程の人気★


名前 DJ Anri - アンリ
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DJ-ANRI-Official-559689914118017/
Twitter https://twitter.com/DJ_ANRI_jp
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/djanri_official/
Blog http://ameblo.jp/djanri/entry-12250686965.html
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@dj_anri
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